In Pokémon Yellow, the newly introduced Pikachu icon appears both in the party and the overworld. In all Generation I games, Snorlax has its own overworld sprite, but it still displayed in the party as the generic sprite shared by several Pokémon. In Pokemon Yellow, Pikachu and Raichu get a new eleventh icon ( → ), and the icons are numbered from 0 to 10. In Pokemon Red, Green and Blue there are ten unique Pokémon icons, internally numbered from 0 to 9. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the Pokémon icons from Pokémon Red and Blue appear as portraits in Alfornada. In Generations I and II, these sprites are not yet found at the Pokémon Storage System, unlike in later generations.

The starter Pikachu following the player ( Pokémon Yellow only).The item ball and starter Poké Ball sprite (Generation I only).Some Pokémon dolls available to the player (Generation II only).Some other Pokémon in the overworld (such as the Jigglypuff in Pewter City's Pokémon Center, or the Poliwrath near the Celadon Condominiums).Pokémon in the Day Care (Generation II only).Some wild Pokémon from in-game events in the overworld (such as the wild Snorlax and Mewtwo in Generation I, or the wild Lapras and Sudowoodo in Generation II).Pokémon in the nickname text entry screen.In Generations I and II, these Pokémon sprites appear as: Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.